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Abacus Maintenance Contract

With the Abacus maintenance contract, you secure access to new Abacus versions, service packs and hotfixes. The costs for the maintenance contract are based on the license value of the installed Abacus programs.

Costs for Abacus Enterprise licenses:

Until December 31, 2024

  • 16 % of the license value in general
  • 20 % of the license value for Payroll and PayrollLight

From January 1st, 2025

  • 17 % of the license value in general
  • 21 % of the license value for Payroll, Electronic Banking, E-Business
Minimum price for Enterprise licensesFr. 390.-
Minimum price for Light licensesFr. 240.-
ATK, BPE and DataAutomation have no minimum prices 

Your Abacus sales partner will be happy to assist you with the implementation and support of a software update.

Offers for a maintenance contract can be obtained via [email protected].